How to Use Development and Construction Project Management Tools to Reduce Admin Tasks and Cut Costs

by Adam Stark


In the real estate development and construction industry, efficient development project management is critical to delivering projects on time and within budget. The integration of advanced project management tools has revolutionized how construction projects are managed, significantly improving productivity, cost savings, and administrative efficiency. This blog post explores how development and construction project management tools can be leveraged to reduce administrative tasks and cut costs, ensuring a more streamlined and profitable project delivery process.

The Role of RE Development and Construction Project Management Tools

Real Estate Development and Construction project management tools are designed to assist the developers, project managers, contractors, and collective stakeholders in overseeing all aspects of a construction project. These tools provide a centralized platform for planning, executing, and monitoring project activities, enabling better communication, collaboration, and control over project resources. Key functionalities typically include project scheduling, cost estimation, resource allocation, document management, communication, and real-time reporting.

Benefits of Using Development and Construction Management Tools

1. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

  • Automated Scheduling: Tools like Jet.Build, Microsoft Project, and Primavera P6, allow project managers and stakeholders to create detailed schedules with automated task assignments and dependencies for critical-path scheduling. This reduces the time spent on manual scheduling and ensures that all team members know their responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Example: A mid-sized construction firm used Jet.Build to streamline resource allocation, resulting in a 15% reduction in labor costs by eliminating downtime and improving task scheduling.
  • Resource Allocation: Effective resource management tools help optimize labor, equipment, and materials use. Project managers can avoid over-allocations and underutilization by allocating resources efficiently, leading to cost savings.
  • Example: A commercial building project implemented Jet.Build resource management features, reducing resource allocation issues and saving approximately 10% on project costs.

2. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

  • Centralized Communication: Platforms like Jet.Build and Rhumbix provide a centralized communication hub where all project-related information is shared. This reduces the need for back-and-forth emails and ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Example: A large Multifamily project used Jet.Build to manage communication and approvals among multiple subcontractors, leading to a 20% reduction in project delays.
  • Testimonial: "Using Jet.Build, our team was able to streamline communication and reduce project delays significantly," says Richard, Project Executive at a Northeast Multifamily Developer.
  • Real-Time Updates: These tools offer real-time updates on project progress, enabling team members to access the latest information instantly. This is particularly useful for tracking changes and making informed decisions quickly.
  • Example: Jet.Build's real-time update feature helped a Multifamily project team stay updated with the latest plans, reducing rework and saving time.

3. Streamlined Administrative Tasks

  • Document Management: Construction projects generate vast documentation. Tools like Jet.Build and Bluebeam help organize, store, and retrieve documents efficiently, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks.
  • Example: A residential construction company implemented Jet.Build for document management, reducing time spent searching for and updating documents by 30%.
  • Case Study: A sizeable commercial project used Jet.Build for document management. It reduced admin time by 25%, ensured all stakeholders had access to the latest documents, and reduced errors by 15%.
  • Automated Reporting: Project management tools can generate automated reports on various project aspects, such as progress, budget, and resource utilization. This eliminates manual report creation and provides stakeholders with up-to-date information.
  • Example: Using Jet.Build, a construction General Contractor, automated its reporting process, saving hours of manual work each week and providing clients with timely updates.

4. Cost Reduction

  • Accurate Budgeting and Cost Tracking: Tools like Jet.Build provide accurate cost estimation and tracking capabilities. This ensures that projects stay within budget and helps identify cost-saving opportunities.
  • Example: A commercial renovation project used Jet.Build for cost tracking, identifying unnecessary expenditures early, and reducing overall costs by 20%.
  • Risk Management: Effective risk management features allow project managers to identify potential risks early and develop mitigation strategies. This reduces the likelihood of costly delays and rework.
  • Example: A hotel renovation project used Jet.Build for cost tracking and risk management, leading to a 25% reduction in unforeseen expenses and a 20% improvement in project timelines.

Key Construction Management Tools

1. Jet.Build

  • Features: Jet.Build offers an all-in-one platform for project management, including budgeting, scheduling, and document management features. It also provides real-time collaboration tools and mobile access. Jet.Build solutions range from Submittal and RFI management to Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and meeting minutes, bid management and budget creation, Gantt-chart schedule and daily reports, project forecasting and portfolio reporting, insurance and permit management, incidents and quality assurance/quality controls (QA/QC), drawings and file management, robust workflows with criteria controls, and much more.  
  • Benefits: Jet.Build’s integrated approach streamlines administrative tasks and improves overall project efficiency with a modern interface and flat licensing.
  • User Interface: Jet.Build’s user-friendly modern interface makes it easy to manage multiple aspects of a project from a single platform. Modern platforms also ensure reliability with project teams, simplifying onboarding and general usage of project stakeholders.
  • Integration: The Jet.Build solution suite integrates with other software, such as accounting systems, ERPs, and BIM models, enhancing its overall utility.
  • Case Study: A mid-sized vertically integrated Developer firm used Jet.Build to manage multiple projects, resulting in a 25% reduction in administrative workload and a 15% decrease in project costs due to better resource management.

2. Buildertrend

  • Features: Buildertrend is designed for small-scale residential construction projects and offers project scheduling, budgeting, and client communication features. It also includes tools for lead and customer relationship management (CRM).
  • Benefits: Buildertrend helps contractors manage all aspects of their projects in one place, streamlining administrative tasks.
  • User Interface: Buildertrend allows easy scheduling and client communication with features for quick adjustments.
  • Integration: It integrates well with QuickBooks, simplifying financial management.

3. PlanGrid

  • Features: PlanGrid focuses on document and drawing management, providing respective tools specifically for drawings. This ensures that all team members are working from the latest plans.
  • Benefits: PlanGrid reduces the time spent managing drawings and documents, reducing administrative tasks.
  • User Interface: PlanGrid offers an easy-to-navigate interface with tools for quick markup and annotation of documents.
  • Integration: PlanGrid integrates with other software, such as AutoCAD.

4. Aconex

  • Features: Aconex offers document management and project control features, including workflows, version control, and real-time collaboration.
  • Benefits: Aconex’s document management capabilities reduce the time and effort required for administrative tasks, ensuring that all project information is up-to-date.
  • User Interface: Aconex provides dashboards with document control features designed for projects with complex documentation needs.
  • Integration: It integrates with other systems like Oracle Primavera.

5. Bluebeam

  • Features: Bluebeam Revu provides tools for PDF creation, markup, and editing, making it ideal for managing construction drawings. It also offers collaboration features that allow team members to review and comment on documents in real time.
  • Benefits: Bluebeam Revu streamlines the drawing review process, reducing time spent on administrative tasks and improving communication among team members.
  • User Interface: Bluebeam Revu’s interface is designed for easy use, with tools for quick and accurate PDF markups.
  • Integration: It integrates well with other document management systems, enhancing its utility in large projects.

6. Procore

  • Features: Procore offers a wide suite of project management tools. It also provides mobile access, making it easy for teams to stay connected on-site.
  • Benefits: Procore’s platform improves communication, reduces administrative overhead, and enhances project visibility.
  • User Interface: Procore features a friendly interface with dashboards for tracking project progress and managing tasks.
  • Integration: It integrates with various tools like Jet.Build, enhancing its utility in comprehensive project management.

Practical Steps to Implement Construction Management Tools

1. Assess Your Needs

  • Evaluate your projects' specific needs and identify the administrative tasks that consume the most time. This will help you select the right tools to address your unique requirements.
  • Checklist:
    - Identify key pain points in your current processes.
    - Determine the features that are most important for your projects.
    - Consider the size and complexity of your projects when choosing a tool.
    - Understand your technology budget.
  • Detailed Evaluation: Conduct surveys among your team to gather insights on current challenges and potential tool features that could address these issues.

2. Choose the Right Tools

  • Select tools with the features and functionalities needed to streamline your workflows. Consider factors like ease of use, integration with other systems, and scalability.
  • Comparison:
    - For large, complex projects: Jet.Build, Aconex.
    - For small residential projects: Buildertrend, Jet.Build.
    - For drawing and document management: Jet.Build, PlanGrid.
  • Case Study: A technology-focused real estate Developer firm evaluated multiple tools and chose Jet.Build for its user-friendly interface and robust scheduling features, leading to a 20% improvement in project management efficiency.

3. Train Your Team

  • Provide comprehensive training to your team members to ensure they are proficient in using the new tools. This will help maximize the benefits and minimize resistance to change for your construction projects.
  • Training Tips:
    - Ensure your technology provider offers webinars and general usage support.
    - Offer hands-on training sessions and workshops.
    - Provide access to online tutorials and resources.
    - Encourage team members to share tips and best practices.
  • Detailed Training Plan: Develop a phased training plan that includes initial training sessions, ongoing support, and periodic refresher courses. Be sure to include details about your technology provider's support.
  • Case Study: In coordination with their project General Contractor, a Real Estate Development firm received hands-on tech support from the Jet.Build team for the duration of their project, ensuring that the software platform is used extensively across all project teams.

4. Integrate with Existing Systems

  • Ensure the new tools integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, such as accounting and ERP software. This will help in maintaining data consistency and avoiding duplication of efforts.
  • Integration Strategies:
    - Work with vendors to ensure compatibility.
    - Use APIs to connect different software solutions.
    - Test integrations thoroughly before full implementation.
    - Review third-party specialists that focus on integrations
  • Example: A general contracting construction company integrated Jet.Build with their existing ERP system, ensuring smooth data flow and reducing administrative overhead.

5. Monitor and Optimize

  • Continuously monitor the tools' performance and gather feedback from your team. Use this information to make necessary adjustments and optimize your workflows further.
  • Optimization Tips:
    - Regularly review tool usage and effectiveness.
    - Solicit feedback from team members on tool performance.
    - Stay updated with software updates and new features.
    - Ensure a feedback loop exists with your technology provider.
  • Example: After initial implementation, a real estate development firm conducted quarterly reviews to identify areas for improvement and adjust their usage of Jet.Build, resulting in ongoing efficiency gains.

Additional Case Studies

1. Case Study 4: Commercial Building Project

  • Challenges: The real estate development project faced coordination issues among multiple subcontractors and frequent document updates.
  • Solution: The project team implemented Jet.Build to centralize communication and document management.
  • Results: Due to improved coordination and documentation, the project saw a 30% reduction in administrative tasks and a 15% decrease in project costs.

2. Case Study 5: Hotel Renovation

  • Challenges: The construction project involved complex scheduling and risk management, which led to frequent delays and cost overruns.
  • Solution: Jet.Build software was used for cost tracking, approvals, and risk management.
  • Results: The project experienced a 25% reduction in unforeseen expenses and a 20% improvement in project timelines.

3. Case Study 6: Multifamily Residential Construction Company

  • Challenges: Managing owner-client communications and construction project scheduling took time and effort.
  • Solution: Jet.Build was implemented to streamline project scheduling and client communication.
  • Results: Due to more efficient scheduling and resource management, the company reduced time spent on client communications by 40% and project costs by 10%.

4. Case Study 7: Large-Scale Infrastructure Project

  • Challenges: Managing a complex, multi-year infrastructure development and construction project with numerous stakeholders and a vast amount of documentation.
  • Solution: Jet.Build was chosen for its robust construction document management and real-time stakeholder collaboration features.
  • Results: The construction project team reported a 20% reduction in document-related administrative tasks and a 10% improvement in project delivery times due to enhanced document control and communication from construction site teams to development project lenders.

5. Case Study 8: Mid-Sized Student Housing Developer Firm

  • Challenges: The real estate development firm needed help allocating resources and tracking project costs across multiple projects.
  • Solution: Jet.Build was implemented to manage development and construction project budgets, schedules, and documentation.
  • Results: The firm saw a 25% reduction in administrative workload and a 15% decrease in project costs due to improved resource management and cost tracking.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

  • AI and machine learning are poised to transform construction management by providing predictive analytics and automating routine tasks. These technologies can help identify potential risks, optimize resource allocation, and improve decision-making processes with data.
  • Example: AI can analyze historical construction project data to predict project delays and suggest mitigation strategies.
  • Expert Prediction: According to a report by McKinsey, AI-driven project management tools could improve construction productivity by up to 20%.

2. Building Information Modeling (BIM) Integration

  • BIM integration with project management tools is becoming increasingly common. BIM provides a 3D project model, enabling better visualization and stakeholder coordination. Integrating BIM with project management tools like Jet.Biuild enhances collaboration and reduces errors.
  • Example: A project team used BIM integrated with Jet.Build to visualize and coordinate complex structural elements, reducing errors by 20%.
  • Future Outlook: BIM adoption is expected to become standard practice in large construction projects, further improving project coordination and reducing costs.

3. Mobile Construction Management Solutions

  • Mobile construction management solutions are gaining popularity due to their accessibility and convenience. These solutions enable site teams to access information from anywhere, take and upload images, and log their work hours, improving communication and collaboration.
  • Example: Cloud-based tools like Jet.Build allows on-site teams to access and update construction drawings in real time, upload daily report images, and log information on incidents, inspections, or punch lists, reducing rework and improving efficiency.
  • Trend Insight: Gartner predicts that by 2025, over 80% of construction project management tools will be cloud-based, driven by the need for remote access and real-time data sharing.

4. IoT and Wearable Technology

  • The Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology are being integrated into construction management tools to provide real-time data on site conditions, equipment usage, and worker safety. This information can be used to enhance project efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Example: Wearable devices that monitor worker health and safety conditions can help prevent accidents and improve construction project productivity.
  • Industry Impact: A Deloitte study found that IoT technology could reduce construction costs by up to 5% by improving equipment maintenance and worker safety.


Real Estate Development and Construction project management tools are essential for reducing administrative tasks and cutting costs in the construction industry. By automating manual processes, improving communication and collaboration, and providing real-time insights, tools like Jet.Build enable project stakeholder teams and managers to deliver projects more efficiently and profitably. Successfully implementing these tools requires careful assessment of project needs, selection of the right tools, comprehensive training, and continuous monitoring and optimization. As technology continues to evolve, the adoption and integration of advanced tools such as AI, BIM, and IoT will further enhance the capabilities of construction management, driving even greater efficiencies and cost savings.

By effectively leveraging these tools, real estate development and construction companies can reduce their administrative burden and achieve significant cost savings, leading to more successful project outcomes and a more decisive competitive edge in the industry.

Check out The Veterans Who Build Show, sponsored by Jet.Build!